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I trash puahate(the ugly side)
I trash the shitty mods on puahate
fuck you to pua70099
monstar was a mod at one point
lucifer deleted a whole day worth of thread
the show's future
I want to use racial slurs, i should be able to
A good time to finish the show with nicklaus
I want modship...
Barry kirkey megaupload foundation:
screw puahate, you don't deserve it on a LARGE scale
because most of you suck... and only a few is cool
maybe i should make a new forum
> last time i am here
> good bye junkyface
> and thank you for giving me show material, and the drive to do another show
No problem. Like I said from the beginning, if you had better topics, were more prepared, and had a decent delivery, your show wouldn't be nearly as bad. Good luck (sincerely)
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Your show is almost as bad. And your spam is annoying. But you only spam about 1/10th as much as StupidLameRitalin so you miss a lot of the abuse. But you should still stop spamming, it's really annoying
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See, this is what I mean. That's a lame answer a retarded 8 year old could give. To do a good podcast, you should be funny, witty, interesting, whatever. All you do is try to have shock value and after 3.5 seconds, it gets really old. You don't seem to have any actual intelligence or ability to think on your feet. Howard Stern is shocking, yes, but he's also interesting.
I'm sure if I made a radio show, it would suck too. That's why I don't make them (and because no one cares about a puahate radio show). I probably couldn't make a good movie either, but I can sure recognize a bad one.
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Dude, you know deep down inside that your podcasts suck. No matter how many giggles you throw at us, how many fake accounts you make, no matter how many fucking comebacks you throw...................deep down, you know it sucks.....
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hey midnight, how is your show going?
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okay, let me count my toes
this piggie is vagina aka midnight
this piggie is junkyface aka the person that got banned form cc aka BWAYAN
and the last piggie, is the WORST mod (the fact he is considered a mod SAYS ALOT ABOUT THIS SHITHOLE...)
SuperLoser, have you noticed that not a single person on this site is defending you?
I mean, there are a lot of people coming at you pretty hard on these threads. This is a lot of abuse. What does it say to you that you have no friends? no supporters? no one who likes your show? no one who even
to your show?
Personally, I promise to stop making fun of your show if you do it as a video podcast.